Animal Advocates Watchdog

They are bred for a very specific market and that who is going to buy them *LINK*

What do you mean "if" they get into the wrong hands? They are bred for a very specific market and that who is going to buy them. But why aren't more people asking why this market is allowed to flourish?

These innocent beings' lives are about two years on average. They are beaten and massive chains hung around their necks to make them angry and tough. Many are used in the fighting pits on reserves and other locations in the Lower Mainland.

They are first trained to kill using cats and then trained further on dogs. It is alleged that the cats and dogs come from pounds that do not do home checks.

They are the dogs that end up being killed by pounds and SPCAs with dog control contracts when they attack and injure people and pets. Our society, that permits them to be bred, sold, and treated this way, also pays the bill to kill them.

Does that sound intelligent or humane to you?

The BC SPCA's official policy is that there are no inherently dangerous breeds only "bad owners". That view is not supported by many experts who do not have a vested interest in being on the popular side of this issue.

To deny that Pit Bulls are bred to fight to the death you must also deny that breeding for traits is effective. You must deny that breeding border collies to herd and hounds to track etc has been effective.

Every breed has been genetically manipulated to serve a purpose, both physically and behaviourally. And breeding for power, speed, retrieving, fighting, and tracking etc has been very effective indeed.

Wait for this link to load and then see the poor innocent dogs and the far from innocent market. It ought to make your blood run cold....
