Animal Advocates Watchdog

The SPCA keeps completely secret the amount of donor dollars that are being spent on the lawsuit

The public does need to know about the SLAPP suit, and they don't.

In spite of the SPCA's protests that AAS is damaging the SPCA, very, very few people actually know about the lawsuit the SPCA is bringing on AAS.

Even fewer will take the time to understand it.
Of the remarkably few who even listen when I try to tell them about it - they don't understand. The SPCA keeps everything so secret. They keep completely secret the amount of donor dollars that are being spent on the lawsuit, and they keep secret the fact that they threaten other people with defamation as well.

If they had nothing to hide - a) there wouldn't be the criticism there is, and b)they could address the criticsm, and perhaps learn something useful from it.

Certainly, they should be showing their donors, how much money is going into attempting to silence their critics.

In addition, we should all be alarmed at the way SLAPP suits are being used in Canada.

Most of us labour under in the assumption that, in Canada, we are guaranteed freedom of speech.
Well, not if we are trying to expose wrong-doing by a large company. SLAPP suits have one goal, and that is to crush David, in the David/Goliath battle. Crush him before it has ever been determined whether he is telling the truth or not.
They are the use of the courts to protect the rich and powerful, and to silence the whistle-blower.

Messages In This Thread

Shriner's SLAPP suit: "Where does all the money go?" "Why all the secrecy?"
These are the exact two questions the public needs to be asking about BC SPCA
Why have so many people - and the media especially - never questioned why ...
The SPCA keeps completely secret the amount of donor dollars that are being spent on the lawsuit
Once again I ask: "what are we willing to do about this?"
