Animal Advocates Watchdog

Rick Sargent: Some parallels in the Atlanta Humane Society and the BC SPCA v AAS lawsuit *LINK*

Dear Animal Advocates,

The case which recently concluded in Atlanta between the Atlanta Humane Society and a number of vocal critics provides a number of issues which are relevant to the on going legal action by the BC SPCA against Animal Advocates.

First, I am sure that the lawyers for the BC SPCA will point out that the laws in Georgia and the laws in BC are different, and that the facts of the two cases are different. But to the average reader there is nothing but perceived similarities. In the world of not for profit fund raising perception is everything and legal opinions are nothing.

Second, the Atlanta Humane Society was found to be a quasi- government agency because it contracted to do animal control with local government. The BC SPCA does or did animal control for local government at the time that most of the offending posts for which Animal Advocates are being sued. More significantly, the BC SPCA is not a Independent Society constituted under the Societies Act; rather it is a creation of Provincial Legislation –The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. In addition, this provincial legislation entrusts the BC SPCA with police powers under the Act. Any organization that owes its existence and powers to an Act of the Provincial Legislature is responsible to the people of BC and subject to their questions and criticisms.

Finally, the most significant issue is the costs. The Atlanta Humane Society is perceived to have spent some $750,000 of donated animal welfare money on lawyers and received nothing but embarrassment . I wonder how the “new” Executive Director and the “new” Board plan to explain this waste to their members and supporters? Win, lose or draw, the BC SPCA leadership will one day have to account for the money they have spent on a legal action to silence a person unknown to most of their supporters. I presume both organizations will blame their “former” leaders.

A civil suit about nothing is little more than a blood sport.

Let the games begin.

Rick Sargent

(Editor's note: Rick Sargent was president of the BC SPCA from April 2003 to May 2004)

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