Animal Advocates Watchdog

SPCA sanctioned breeding

What if the SPCA got serious about controlling pet overpopulation? What if every animal they sold was already altered? What if they lobbied government for litter laws? What if their corporate culture was so anti-breeding that employees were required to abstain from allowing their animals to reproduce?

If the SPCA was serious about controlling pet overpopulation in BC, they would already have taken all of these measures.

Some branches claim to spay and neuter every dog before adoption, but some branches still adopt out intact breeding pairs. The only effective lobbying seems to be carried out by local, small-budget groups. While some employees do spay/neuter their own animals, some, including shelter managers, actively breed for profit. The reality is that the SPCA does not have a policy discouraging breeding amongst staff. I have personally sent evidence of staff for-profit breeders to the SPCA Board of Directors, without even receiving the courtesy of an acknowledgement.

What if the SPCA was serious about controlling breeding? There would be fewer unwanted dogs available to supply their dog control business. We can only hope.
