Animal Advocates Watchdog

Perhaps Ms Chortyk can remember these?

Long-time SPCA spokesperson, Lori Chortyk, is quoted saying she wasn’t sure why MacMillan is critical of the SPCA. “We haven’t known for a decade why she does this.”'

This article, "The BC SPCA - A Prison Camp For Animals", written by the Sun's Barbara Yaffe in 2004, names Brigitta MacMillan as one of the article's sources.

I would have thought that Yaffe's article wasn't obscure about why Brigitta criticizes the BC SPCA. But if Ms Chortyk, who was working as the Vancouver/Maple Ridge SPCA's p.r. person when Brigitta sent it highly credible letters, carefully laying out all the problems she had witnessed, including cruelty to cats, has forgotten what could have been seriously damaging p.r., then here is the link to the letters, which have been available to Ms Chortyk and the SPCA for many years.

Messages In This Thread

Maple Ridge Times: Brigitta MacMillan tells Maple Ridge council about SPCA hostility
Maple Ridge News: SPCA slammed by volunteer *LINK* *PIC*
SPCA denies a "repressive" atmosphere that frightens volunteers into silence
Thoughtful letter from volunteer to Maple Ridge councillors after talking to the SPCA didn't work
Ms Renios promised in writing to the SPCA to never to go to an external party...
I still have available many letters I've written to them
Re: Maple Ridge News: SPCA slammed by volunteer
Maple Ridge Times blog: I get more complaints about the SPCA than any other organization, including the RCMP *LINK*
Perhaps Ms Chortyk can remember these?
Maple Ridge Times: SPCA refutes allegations
A personal incident I went through about two years ago
