Animal Advocates Watchdog

World's fattest cat on Global TV

To Global TV,
Contact info:

Main phone: 604-420-2288

I was absolutely disgusted to watch the news item last night about a cat that weighs 40 pounds AND THE OWNER IS CONSTANTLY FEEDING IT SO THAT IT WILL GET INTO THE BOOK OF RECORDS!!!! It made me sick to my stomach! I feel that this is blatant cruelty to animals and is not to be forgiven!!! How can anyone (including your TV station) condone this kind of activity? The cat "has difficulty moving and getting around"----what a nice life for the cat!!!

Would we be so anxious to produce an item about a human that continually fed themself so that they could be the fattest person on record????

I know that Tony Parsons is an animal lover and assume that there are others involved with your productions that feel the same. I would be very interested in their thoughts on this issue.

The animals need all the help that they can get and humans are constantly finding ways to mistreat them. This is yet another "ingenious" idea of how to make their lives miserable.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter and I await your reply.

Shirley Henderson

Messages In This Thread

World's fattest cat on Global TV
"Cute cruelty" - the media and the Reformed SPCA
