Animal Advocates Watchdog

A zoo by any other name still smells

If you wonder if the Grouse Mountain Refuge for Endangered Wildlife is a zoo in disguise or not you need only ask yourself one question: Are the animals free?

But you can also ask these questions: Are people being charged money to view the animals? Are the animals being habituated to being completely dependant on humans and so will never be able to return to the life that nature intended for them?

The Grouse animal business is only a modern version of 19th century zoos with their tiny cages filled with maddened, depressed victims.

This is just a zoo tarted up to be more acceptable. But it is still a business that uses animals on display to make money for its shareholders or owners.

Who's ultimately responsible for this modern version of circuses for the masses? It is the same brainless gawpers who take their children to aquariums to see animals in cramped, dirty tubs, who have their child's photo taken with the "Mall Tiger", who pay to go look at bears and monkeys and other unlucky animals in roadside zoos. It's these people's money that supports this travesty.

But it is up to more intelligent people to recognize the truth and to act to stop more exploitation of animals, but except for Councillor Ernie Crist, the District of North Vancouver showed itself to be back in the 19th century, or maybe just another gawper, keeping this business profitable.

If you wish to write a letter protesting this District zoo, write to:

Mayor Don Bell and Councillors at

And a letter of thanks and support to Councillor Ernie Crist at:

Mall Tiger

Road Side Zoo

Messages In This Thread

Grouse "zoo" debate a non-starter at DNV
A zoo by any other name still smells
