Animal Advocates Watchdog

Puppy Miller turns in dogs - this is how enforcement works

AAS has just learned that a puppy miller took his dogs into the Kamloops SPCA to avoid being raided and exposed by the BC SPCA.

This is just how enforcing the law works! Other lawbreakers decide to get out before the law reaches them. That is what the SPCA should have been doing since the advent of the puppy mill phenomenon which has grown exponentially in the last 30 years. Every low-life who thought about making a few thousand or a few hundred thousand on the side in the last thirty years by breeding dogs as cheaply as is consistent with not actually killing them, knew that the SPCA would never hassle them. We have plenty of accounts of puppy millers saying that the SPCA has come (infrequently and only after an infuriated complainant makes threats to expose the SPCA) for many years, and the SPCA telling the complainant that there was nothing wrong - no matter how diseased the dogs' ears, eyes, teeth, and skin were, no matter how filthy, cold, dark, and cramped the dog's cages were, no matter how matted their coats or overgrown their nails.

Animal abusers in this province have plied their trades and inflicted horrible suffering on hundreds of thousands of animals with impunity for five decades while the SPCA built its paying pet disposal business and ignored the most heart-wrenching pain and suffering - even after it had seen these poor, speechless victims trapped in a life of suffering. And then it had the gall to use the absolutely false motto "We speak for those who cannot speak for themselves". Of all the lies the BC SPCA told for decades, that is the most flagrant. The SPCA silenced animals' begging cries for help from it by ignoring those cries or by killing the criers.

Craig Daniell must be very pleased to see his actions bearing fruit so quickly. Puppy millers in BC are quaking in their boots, and next we expect Daniell to find a way to get Lancaster, Grandmaison, and Skippon, the three biggest home resellers. These women may end up being charged with tax evasion. Mr Daniell is a lawyer and knows how to send a report to Revenue Canada that will get results.

Messages In This Thread

Puppy Miller turns in dogs - this is how enforcement works
A defense of the Puppy Patch
There is no defense of a puppy mill
This is not true!
Any "good" breeder would
It appears Puppy Patch was also involved *LINK*
Who's the prisoner now? Puppy millers find out how it feels to be kept in a cage.
