Animal Advocates Watchdog

I question the SPCA's motives

I just attended a conference not too long ago and listened to someone who temperament tests dogs. I completely understand the attempt to make sure that the 'right' kinds of dogs go to the right kinds of is not good to mismatch a dog with a family. For example, I have a dog who is a food and possessions-guarding dog, but I have a fair bit of dog knowledge and can handle this without a problem. Some other families could possibly freak about this.

Temperament testing is 'iffy' at is very hard to determine temperament, especially while at the confines of the SPCA.

I question the SPCA on exactly how they are doing this. And what do they hope the outcome to be? I question whether this whole thing with CAMP is the SPCA's way of scrambling to find support they have lost, or if they are truly doing this for the best interest of the dogs and the people adopting them.

If they REALLY want to help, they need to look at legislating the massive amounts of breeding that are still happening and limiting the amounts of dogs that end up at the shelter. This is ultimately the only answer.

Messages In This Thread

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I beg to disagree with Dr Mugford
I question the SPCA's motives
Roger Mugford has now cited that isolating a dog can lead to aggression.
