Animal Advocates Watchdog

Letters to C.Danielle&VanDongen *LINK*

As a follow up to my letters to the 24 newspaper editors (posted here last week), I have sent the following letters to 1) Craig Daniell, and 2) John Van Dongen:
1)Dear Mr. Daniell:

The following is a copy of the letter I have recently sent to the Editors of 24 Vancouver area newspapers. It is my hope that the letter will be printed in many of the papers, in order to draw attention to a problem that has existed for far too long.

Many people that I know have written, faxed, and e-mailed you and other BCSPCA officials, attempting to convince you to do something about the issues set out in the following letter. Thus far, our pleas have fallen upon deaf ears. We are given excuse after excuse, but no real action has been taken.

How long will it be before our concerns are taken seriously? How far do we have to go with publications and perhaps exposes in the media in order to be listened to properly? So very many of us have been supporters of the SPCA here, and in many other provinces as well. But we are getting discouraged, frustrated and angry. If all of us who contribute our little savings and hard-earned $20.00 donations finally decide to call it quits, who will pay your salary, let alone care for the animals? Please do something concrete and positive to truly live up to your reputation as animal protectors.

2)Dear Mr. Van Dongen:
The following is a copy of the letter I have sent to the editors of 24 British Columbia newspapers. I hope you will help us in our fight to free animals relegated to chains in backyards. Please read the letter in it's entirety, even though it is rather long. The issue is one that is very near
and dear to thousands of B.C. citizens.

Thank you,
Diane Esther
