Animal Advocates Watchdog

Is the SPCA reforming?

Is the SPCA reforming? Given the information we are privy to, we have to say Not yet. It appears to be still protecting its income, not animals.

We can understand and forgive mistakes, lapses, and taking a long time to turn the Society around. But from too many examples, the SPCA is still not telling the truth as far as we can tell.

The bottom line for AAS has always been for the SPCA to tell the truth. If lying is not an option, then true change must be made. If lying is an option, then nothing need change except the lies.

To date, because of decisions like the one to retain animal disposal policies, and its very questionable Companion Animal Management Program (CAMP), and because of financial information being withheld from the public, there is the appearance that that is the course the SPCA has chosen.

Messages In This Thread

Dr Craig Brestrup: The immorality of the SPCA policy of unlimited surrender has been known for a long time
AAS comment
Is the SPCA reforming?
