Animal Advocates Watchdog

This is one program that I find very offensive.

This is one program that I find very offensive. It one of the the mandates of the SPCA to care for animals in need of care----I would think that this includes an animal whose owner has died and for whom there is no immediate home. To actively solicit for large sums of money for this service is reprehensible. I can tell you that it does not go over very well with the public either. As a veterinarian I have had elderly clients who have donated to the SPCA for many years tell me that they are offended by the this "program" and the glossy brochures that describe the program. We have taken in cats and found homes for them on a number of occassions when owners have died----and for NO CHARGE!

Ellen Guttormson,
Beacon Cat Hospital and Victoria SPCA CAC member.

Messages In This Thread

The BC SPCA Pet Survivor Care Program is possibly as low as it gets.
"All animals are equal; but some animals are more equal than others."
This is one program that I find very offensive.
I am concerned the BC SPCA may be promising the impossible.
Death of a cat in the SPCA system
