Animal Advocates Watchdog

Dr. Lawson's Article in the Maple Ridge Times

Below you will find my rebutal to Dr. Lawson's public promotion of the new assessment tool being used by all "trained" SPCA staff throughout the province;

Attention: Editor

Re: SPCA Kill Policy Revamped

I have personally experienced the results of the “new uniform, scientific” assessment tool that Dr. Lawson mentions is being used throughout the province to assess the physical and behavioural health of incoming animals.

It is with great distress that I report this very tool was responsible for the death of a stray dog I foolishly brought into our shelter two weeks ago. This poor soul had managed to cross four lanes of busy traffic on Lougheed Highway and survive, but thanks to my “heroic” intervention he is now dead.

A volunteer had observed his behaviour (on my request) and stated that he was fine and getting along well with his kennel mate. Yet, he failed his assessment and on the very day he was eligible for adoption he was euthanized.

In my opinion this tool is being used to destroy rather than save, to eliminate rather than rehabilitate, and to provide justification for a large number of animals being killed due to “behavioural and emotional health”.

This handsome young dog may have been your beloved pet, a life long friend and a loyal companion, but we will never know. He was not provided the opportunity to prove himself once stress was reduced, once consistency was established or once bonding had taken place. Dr. Lawson noted that, “if they're beyond our means, we’re not going to let them sit there and suffer”. Beyond what means? Did this lost soul have a true chance at life? Was he provided every opportunity for re-homing, training or fostering? The answer to these questions is NO, he was not, and due to my faith in the SPCA reform policies another sweet animal has died.

Dr. Lawson is also quoted as saying, “if shelters are bulging with animals and animals are in poor condition because of SHELTER CONDITIONS, animals will be euthanized”, an interesting statement from a concerned executive within the SPCA. Our local shelter has banned dogs from access to the inside kennel areas since April of this year due to the noise level. Baffling was to be installed to reduce the noise level and ensure the comfort of the SPCA staff. It is now July and the baffling is not installed! So, is the SPCA itself responsible for the destruction of animals due to SHELTER CONDITIONS?

Our own municipality recently responded to a request for additional “holding” space for our smaller animals, as the cat containment area was overly crowded and producing stress among the animals who have no choice but to reside in these conditions. Mr. Brock McDonald (by-law enforcement) immediately began working on the establishment and installation of two large trailers that will assist with the overcrowding issues in our over-served shelter.

It appears that Dr. Lawson’s true colours show through with his statement, “We’re not going to put out a PRODUCT that we know isn’t going to bond well with an adopter”. By definition a product is, something grown or manufactured. Does Dr. Lawson truly believe that our companion animals are nothing less than throw away extra’s with no value once the product has been tarnished, abused, neglected or dumped?

Many concerned humans would argue against this, but with sadness, too many whose lives depend on the SPCA can no longer speak, for death has come too soon.

Messages In This Thread

Dr. Lawson's Article in the Maple Ridge Times
Re: Dr. Lawson's Article in the Maple Ridge Times
The Article - Assessing the "Product"
Thanks Anita
The "products" of pound contracts
Re: The "products" of pound contracts
