Animal Advocates Watchdog

The BC SPCA - In bed (or is that bath?) with the Aquarium Industry

I read in the Georgia Straight today that the Vancouver Aquarium and The BC SPCA are having a joint fundraiser held at the aquarium on Friday night November 28 from 7pm to midnight. This is an obvious conflict of interest.

What is so disturbing is that the people attending will believe that using mammals for entertainment must be OK because the SPCA is supporting it. I am a former Board member of the Humane Society of Ottawa Carleton and of the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, both of these animal welfare organizations have the policy that they are against the use of wild animals in entertainment, as should the BC SPCA, if they do not already.

Please phone or e-mail the BC SPCA to tell them that you do not approve of their endorsement of the Vancouver Aquarium and to please opt out of this event before Friday November 28.

The direct line to the SPCA is 604 681-7271 ask for the CEO, Craig Daniell -you will probably get his answering machine, please leave him a message so that he knows the community disapproves.

Thanks for your help

Kelly Bunting

Messages In This Thread

The BC SPCA - In bed (or is that bath?) with the Aquarium Industry
BC SPCA Policy Statement: Animals in entertainment, and who to write to
Action Alert! Write the supporters of this night out on the whales
A letter to Mayor Campbell
Georgia Straight: Group Opposes Seal Hospital
Courier: Sea lions none of board's business-aquarium boss
Letters to the Courier: Sea lions none of board's business-aquarium boss
BC SPCA CEO, Craig Daniell, doen't see much wrong with the Vancouver Aquarium
"Slumming with the enemy"
