Animal Advocates Watchdog

slaughter is slaughter.

The following letter was written to the SPCA headoffice months ago. Never got a response...

Dear Sir,

With regard to you FastTrack update d.d. March 8, 2002 (no. 190). I wish to make the following comments:

I believe the term 'Humane Slaughter' is a contradiction in terms.
No matter what kind of abattoir/slaughterhouse facilities we are talking about, the fact is and remains that the word slaughter has exactly the same meaning as carnage or massacre, while slaughterhouse means 'place of carnage'.

No carnage or massacre could or should ever be called humane.
If the S.P.C.A. is condoning any kind of abattoir, your organization is condoning a massacre of animals.

If your organization feels there is a humane way of slaughtering animals, you simply cannot call yourself an organization for the prevention of cruelty to animals!
Slaughtering is inhumane and cruel.

You should condemn any kind of slaughter and refrain from spending time and/or monies into having Athena Ogden preparing a report on humane slaughter!

Yours Truly,

Madelon Keij,
953 Purcell Drive,
Kelowna B.c.
V1V 1N8
