Animal Advocates Watchdog

Rebuttal: SPCA Lies about how many tests Cheech was given

Vancouver Sun June 19/04

"After showing on the first test that he had anger management issues, Cheech got "progressively worse in the shelter," said Nadine Gourkow, animal welfare manager of the SPCA office in Vancouver. During the second test, Cheech "showed he had a very high level of fearfulness" by growling, showing teeth, jumping up and down, and cornering himself in the back of the cage, she says. Then, when the dog tester wasn't looking, Cheech lunged at him."

Gourkow makes reference to only two tests on Cheech. What about tests three and four that Lori Chortyk claimed were done, as shown below?

Province June 18/04

"Cheech was brought into the shelter in late April. He had been abused. Four SPCA assessors deemed Cheech too vicious and unpredictable, especially toward men, and recommended he be put down, said spokeswoman Lorie Chortyk."

Chortyk continues to imply there were more than two tests done on Cheech, by using the word "all" when giving interviews

South Delta Leader June 18/04

"All our attempts to help it recover have been unsuccessful," Chortyk said. "Unfortunately, all the assessments have shown it was becoming increasingly aggressive around men and children."
The decision to euthanize Cheech wasn't made lightly, Chortyk added, and four people signed off on the decision.

Vancouver Sun June 19/04

"All of the people who assessed the dog since April ... say he's too dangerous to be in the community," says SPCA spokeswoman Lorie Chortyk.

The SPCA staff and volunteers who actually work at the Delta SPCA and are there on a daily basis (unlike Chortyk and Gourkow who are from Head Office) have said that Cheech was only given two tests.

Messages In This Thread

THE NOW: March 11/04: Looking for love in the wrong place *LINK* *PIC*
THE SUN: June 19/04: Police search for dog set free by SPCA workers:REBUTTAL
LETTER: We fully support Amanda Muir's actions in hiding this dog
LETTER; I have been a regular donor to the SPCA for years and I think is about time you got some new judges
They wanted him dead right away. "You guys are monsters!"
SOUTH DELTA LEADER: June 18/04: SPCA staff 'rescue' dog slated to die
GLOBAL NOON NEWS: June 19/04: The Rally for Cheech
CTV NEWS AT 6: June 19/04: The Rally for Cheech
GLOBAL NEWS AT 6: June 19/04: The Rally for Cheech
THE PROVINCE: June 20/04: Death-row doggie spirited from his cell
LETTER: How can you charge a person with "dog theft" of the very dog you want killed?
The underground Rottweiler railroad
CTV NEWS AT 6: June 16/04
CTV NEWS AT 6: June 17/04
REBUTTAL: CTV News at 6pm June 17/04
THE PROVINCE: June 18/04: SPCA volunteer on run with abused Rottweiler
VANCOUVER SUN: June 21/04: Group rallies in support of suspended workers
Shame on you Ms. Chortyk!!! No analogy could be further from the truth. Shame! shame!
SURREY LEADER: June 22/04: SPCA "Dognappers" *PIC*
Rebuttal: SPCA Lies about how many tests Cheech was given
