Animal Advocates Watchdog

Even in death, Tina the elephant still brings comfort *PIC*

For those who were following Tina's journey to Tennessee, you may remember that "Winkie" was one of the elephants who bonded the most with Tina. Winkie has not laid down to sleep/rest for nearly 4 yrs............until now:

From the Ele-Diary:

September 8, 2004 - 11:35 p.m. cst

A milestone event...Winkie slept for the first time since her arrival to the Sanctuary. Many captive elephants never lie down and Winkie has been one that resisted the vulnerable position for nearly 4 years. What a joyous sight to see Winkie rise from the ground, waking from her nap. We have all waited for the day that Winkie would finally lie down to sleep. There is no doubt that the soft pasture bed brought a welcomed relief. Some things simply cannot be explained, but what we know is that Winkie took her very first nap in a very special place, right on top of Tina's grave. Tina continues to bring hope and comfort to all of our lives.

Winkie would come back to the barn every night to spend time with Tina, before going to bed.
