Animal Advocates Watchdog

I see good and bad in this

It is obviously a good thing that an animal won't have to suffer needlessly before action may be taken, and that pre-emptive measures by the RSPCA can occur. Too many times in BC, we have seen cases of animals who were not seized until it was too late, and they could not be saved. In the past, with BC puppy mills, animal collectors, chained yard dogs and places like Dolittle Farm, we know full well that even if an Offence Warning Notice was given, the owner rarely complied and the SPCA did little follow up to make sure they did.

The only real negative side I can see, is the always present possibility of abuse of power. The Police have to answer for their actions to a Review Board. The SPCA seems to be answerable to no one, at least government does not seem to take any interest in its operations. The only way I can see to make sure this doesn't become a problem, is by implementing an outside "Review Panel", or some method of appeal for someone whose animals are seized under questionable circumstances. That way the SPCA would have to be accountable to someone for whatever they do.

Messages In This Thread

Overhaul of animal welfare laws in Britain
I see good and bad in this
It sounds like an idea whose time is past due
I also sense the need for caution and careful deliberation
