Animal Advocates Watchdog

Spay and Neuter Flyers

FLYER DISTRIBUTION: Homeless Animals/Spay-Neuter/Adoption

There is a new flyer on "The Animal Spirit" site that you can download,
print, and distribute. The flyer is to help educate others about the
importance of spay/neuter and adoption.

You can print the flyer directly from the web site:

Or you can download the flyer as a .doc file and print from Microsoft
Word (recommended):

*The flyer contains 2 photos and they take a few seconds to load into
Microsoft Word.

If you have any problems with printing the flyers or if you plan on
distributing them, please let me know:

**REMINDER: There is an online vigil (8/1-8/31) for homeless animals. If
you have not stopped by to light a candle, please do!
