Animal Advocates Watchdog

I would like to know more about the BC SPCA Food Labelling program

Two weeks since I sent this off.
All I have received is the computer - generated message saying this would go to the President of the SPCA.
If I understood Ms. Vogel, with whom I had a phone conversation - it should then have been passed along to the appropriate Director to be answered.
Yet again, my e-mail is unanswered. The only time I have recieved a response from these people is when I have used the "m" word. "Media."

----- Original Message -----
From: Lyn MacDonald
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 11:08 PM

I would like to know more about the BC SPCA Food Labelling program.
On your Website you state that the goals of the SPCA Certified Program are:
Facilitate and support changes to farm animal welfare standards.
Provide voluntary third party certification services to those involved in the animal agriculture industry.
Support scientific research and development in farm animal welfare.

Would you please be more specific - i.e. support what changes to animal welfare standards?
What do those certification services actually mean?
What does the term scientific research mean to you?

Again, from your Website, " The BC SPCA standard differs with the national code of practices published by the Canadian AGRI - Food Research Council in farm animal husbandry practices, including space per animal and transportation times."
What does this mean, exactly? How do your standards differ? How are you working to improve them? How do you enforce them? And so on.

Your Website states that participating farms pay for this certification.
How much do they pay? More details please! How often do you check back with these farmers after certification.

Looking forward to your reply.
Lyn MacDonald
p.s. I would appreciate my letter being shared with all Board members, as it has recently come to my attention that some letters sent to the Board, may only be going to Ms. Troman.
