Animal Advocates Watchdog

We, as a species have no right to be using any other species to do our dirty work for us

"Members of the special weapons and tactics (SWAT) unit in Mesa, Arizona, say they believe that a capuchin monkey, dressed in a bullet - proof jacket and equipped with a two - way radio and video camera, could prove an invaluable reconnaissance tool.A SWAT officer has applied for a $100,000. US federal grant to fund the monkey project."

I hate it when animals are referred to as tools.
That means we're going to use them in any way we want, in this case as reconnaissance tools.
Must be an awfully dangerous job, as the monkeys will be provided with bullet - proof jackets.
The SWAT team obviously already knows that these monkeys are highly intelligent and can perform complex tasks - what's the research for?
To see what it takes to blow up a tiny monkey? Or at how many feet away?

We, as a species have no right to be using any other species to do our dirty work for us.
