Animal Advocates Watchdog

The Pendulum Swings *PIC*

The Pendulum Swings

There was a time when animals ruled the world and “Homo Erectus” was trying to figure out the “erectus” part of the equation. It was a time when the pendulum was at the other end of the spectrum. Now, thanks to the fully erect Homo Sapiens, both the environment and animals are going through a terrible period in time. But there is no stronger force than nature, and to it time is of no essence. So, in time - which may be long for us but insignificant for nature - things will even out again. The pendulum will reach its pinnacle and start to swing back one more time.
Same as with other large forces, which we think we can control and better, this issue of animals, the environment and us, will come to a head one day, and despite our hopes and aspirations, naiveté, ill or good-willed intentions, things will go they way nature wants it to, whether we like it or not.
Until then, unfortunately, human nature being what it is, consumerism, dominance and destruction will rule... and apart from having no part in it, there is really not much we can do. We have to let nature take its course. It is the only thing that will ultimately prevail.
As we “evolved”, we realized that we are good a certain things, such as conquest, destruction, plunder, and killing. We do it to each other, to the animals, to the environment…and nothing is to stop us from doing so, until one day nature says: ”I’ve had enough” and strikes back with a vengeance. I am glad I will not be around to see things deteriorate to horrific levels, and to see the further suffering of the environment as well as the animals. I regret though that I will not be here on the day when nature starts taking names and kicking ass.
We humans are a self-destructive bunch, and in the bigger scheme of things that will probably be our ultimate demise... and that is the only hope animals and the environment have in the long run. Whether it will be an astronomic apocalypse [radiation, meteor impact etc], nature based catastrophe [super virus, devastating climatic or atmospheric changes] or in all likelihood man-made madness [bio-warfare, nuclear holocaust], eventually nature will even out the odds. The environment and the animals will prevail. There will again be much fewer [if any] of us, and more of them - albeit different species than today - and nature will run its course one more time, as it has so many times before – based on a totally different scenario.
It is difficult to even hope that humankind will change for the better, when it comes to issues involving animals or the environment. Considering that in most parts of the world basic human needs are far from being addressed, let alone solved, there is little hope for both in the foreseeable future. They simply are not a priority in today’s human dominated society.

In a world where indiscriminant slaughter of millions of people is still rampant on a regular basis, thinking that by coming together and holding hands we will be able to change attitudes towards animals and the environment, slow down the suffering, and in the process save animal species or the planet is wishful thinking. One can do things on an individual or local basis and feel good about it, but in the long run that will in all likelihood not save any species, reduce the suffering or make animals living among us happier,. We have changed their existence and way of life in such terms, that from here on only nature can make things right again.
For those who like the status quo, and don’t mind or care where this is going, I have good news. Things will move in your direction and get worse… in fact much worse. You, your children and grandchildren will make sure of that. However, I can be the bearer of the same good news to those who vigorously fought for a vision all their lives, never seeing it come to fruition. Your vision will come true one day. A higher power – nature in this case – will make sure of that. Just because you are living through an atrocious period at the other end of the pendulum, and will not be here to see the outcome, does not mean that your vision is in vain. Unfortunately your efforts are.
There is no way of knowing when and how fast the pendulum will swing back; but swing back it will, and cut through anything in its path as it does so. One might think that this time it will be different. I beg to differ. Nature has seen much worse than us, has dealt with it appropriately every time, and bounced back… and the only thing we have learned from the past, is the fact that we have not learned anything from it, at all.
