Animal Advocates Watchdog

Bear and Silver update!

Hello everyone, I am Bear and Silver's foster parent. Last night at about 1 am I had captured Silver in my back yard. She escaped again while I tried to get her back into the kennel. She managed to pull down one of the new boards I had nailed up and squeezed out. I am not giving up though and we will get both dogs back. Bear and Silver are still here and trying to get back into our yard. They know where they want to go but are so fearful! I will keep you updated as much as possible. We are going to get some humane traps and try and capture them that way. Today my husband and I are turning our back yard into a doggy Fort Knox so there will be NO escape when we get them into the yard again.
Thanks for support everyone! This is a really traumatic experience for the dogs and us and I will stop at nothing to return them to safety.

Messages In This Thread

Bear and Silver update!
Thanks to HawkAir, Turtle Gardens, Yvette, Helen
Transport Needed ASAP; Open bed pick-up truck
I emailed you Gail n/m *NM*
