Animal Advocates Watchdog

Big dogwash to raise $$$ for PAWS!

On Sun. the 25th of Aug. we are having a wash to raise money for the care of the Creston dogs . 50% of all washes and 20% of products sold go to PAWS . This is happening through the kindness of the owners of ...Its' a Dogs' Life...3428 West Broadway in Vancouver near Alma. Some of us will be inside helping wash and the rest will be outside selling fresh baked biscuits and giving out info about our rescues and the Creston dogs.
There will be items for sale in the shop and if it is too busy or you don't have time to get a wash that day you can buy a raincheck and the $ will still get to PAWS.
Any good quality food or other dog related products (new or used) will be greatfully accepted.
If anyone would like a poster to copy and put up in their area , please e-mail me and I will send it over to you today.
Hope to meet lots of you on Sun!
kd..Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue

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Big dogwash to raise $$$ for PAWS!
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