Animal Advocates Watchdog

URGENT!!!! Massive ground search

tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. for Silver

PLEASE....If you can come tomorrow evening to assist with a search for Silver, please meet at the Petro Canada Station (lots of parking available) at River Road and Center Street in North Delta at 6:00 p.m.

Come dressed to travel through bush, train tracks, back yards and city streets...if you have a flash light please bring one, if you have a copy of a flyer bring it (copies will also be available) and if you have a cell phone also bring it along for easy reporting of a Silver sighting..

Michele would be happy to give specific directions to this location for anyone who is willing to assist in the Silver Search, and she can be contacted at,
pager number: 604-632-2204 or you can contact

And please remember if you spot little Silver and she is running, do not a trap will be established in the location of the sighting...if she is "down" you can approach without fear of her running and please call either of the two numbers listed above..

I hope I can alert everyone tomorrow that this search has been called off and Silver has been found..if not PLEASE join us and help bring Silver back into our arms...
