Animal Advocates Watchdog

Don't give up hope..........

My first rescue dog was thrown from a moving truck (seen by a neighbour) in the Buntzen Lake area. She was seen running wild with a pack of coyotes for almost a month. Nobody could come anywhere near her, and stories about this "wild" dog emerged in the area. When I finally found her, she was weak and thin lying by the side of a road, but alive nonetheless. I took a bowl of food and sat nearby as she ate without attempting to touch her, and when she was done, she wobbled over to me and licked my cheek. I named her "Lady" since she came to me the day Prince Charles wed Lady Diana. I had her for ten years, and she was such a beauty! Very large about 140lbs, possibly a Dane/Borzoi/Lab/Shepherd mix, and she was my best friend. So, a dog can survive with only water for a few weeks anyway, as I doubt Lady had the instict to hunt with the coyotes.I think she just followed them for company. Keep praying.............

Messages In This Thread

Gail: how goes the search?n/m *NM*
Silver has now been missing for almost two weeks..
Don't give up hope..........
You DO give me hope :) .... *NM*
