Animal Advocates Watchdog

Conflicts of Interest to think about

Let's try and put these conflict of interest allegations into perspective, because some people still don't get it.

Do you think that:

1. The Pres. of the Cdn Cancer Society smokes?
2. The Heart and Stroke Foundation CEO smokes?
3. The employees at Greenpeace go seal hunting?
4. The CEO of PETA eats meat?
5. The Pres.of IFAW buys fur coats for his wife?
6. The MADD organization owns beer/wine stores?
7. Staff/CAC's at BCSPCA breed animals?

The answer should be "no" to all of the above, but we know for sure it is "yes" to #7.

Messages In This Thread

Conflicts of Interest to think about
Part 2 (conflicts of interest)
Re: Conflicts of Interest to think about
