Animal Advocates Watchdog

Feral mom and babies

Good day to all of you beautiful people! I can't tell you how pleased I am to have found this wonderful site. I feel as though I've found 'my people' if you will!

Although I'm not from BC (I'm in southern Ontario - Cambridge to be exact) I understand what you're all going through and what you're trying to accomplish and I commend all of you on your efforts - especially the rescue of abused and neglected dogs (I've 'removed' a few as well, sad little souls they were).

The 'humane' society here (and I use that term loosely) also leaves much to be desired. I could tell you stories that would make your blood boil.

Aside from wanting to connect with like minded individuals I also have a problem (a feral momma and her babies) that I dearly need some advice in dealing with. (I'll try and keep this short)

Up the street from my house (residential neighbourhood) there is a huge old house , somethinglike a home for mentally challenged persons. Now, the problem is the very large number of cats up there. I will tell you that someone up there does try to feed and water them all but there are just too many to even count. And while I realize I can't possibly save them all myself (our animal control and our humane society are simply useless - I've tried getting them involved but well, you know the story I'm sure) I can certainly help this one momma and her babies. We've already caught two babies and in doing so realized momma is pregnant again. I don't think she is feral per say but rather a stray that did at one time know human companionship. Her babies though are quickly adapting to 'wild' life. We are still trying to catch the other two babies (4 total) to no avail as of yet BUT I'm not giving up that easily.

My biggest question to you all - how do I catch momma? We loured her into a cage (not a trap) on Sunday morning but when we tried to close it she freaked and tore off. All the work we've done in gaining her little bit of trust is now surely undone. I'm thinking about buying a Tru Catch Trap (specially designed for situations like this) and/or a 'cat bag' - it's like a big net/bag with an opening and closing mechanism.

I'm just not sure how to proceed at this point and time is not exactly on our side - she's at least 4-5 weeks along. My vet (wonderful woman) has already taken the two babies and will take the next two but I need to catch momma before she has her next litter. There is already TWO generations of her babies up there (5 months ago and 8 weeks ago). This cycle has got to be stopped. She is so thin and sickly looking. She looks so tired and hungry, just plain hard done by the little soul. It breaks my heart.

Any thoughts, ideas or opinions would be greatly appreciated.


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Feral mom and babies
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