Animal Advocates Watchdog

uveodermatological syndrome.

The link to Braille's story is below. AAS asked Akita rescue for help but we were declined, no financial help, no help with fostering or rehoming, nothing, until a year later when his story appeared on our web site Akita rescue sent a cheque. We sent it back.

It's been so long ago that we can't remember any details, but any good vet will know what to do.

It's terrible disease and I hope this Akita's outcome is happier than Braille's was. He was such a dear boy!

One more reason to get very tight controls on breeders, not just for the way dogs are kept and sold but for genetic health reasons too.

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I'm sorrry to post this here, but I need advice
uveodermatological syndrome.
Thanks - it turns out that
