Animal Advocates Watchdog

Bill C-15B


Message from Anne Gibson, anticruelty website at :

I have *completely* overhauled the website and, on it, contains ALL the information you will need to target the most important people.
The bill has just been 'set aside'. They will decide between now and, probably September 30th what they will do with it. (I am not sure if we have more time!)
The letter writing campaign has been a fantastic show-of-force. Animal Advocacy groups are getting in 30 letters a day asking "what do we do now?" "Can you fax this to Ottawa?".
Please, for expediency's sake, check out the updates on the web page if you want to salvage Bill C15(b). I will send out 'alerts' when we get the downloadable petition etc. up.
Remember, NOTHING you do, no effort made on behalf of the animals, is a waste.
If you do not have faxing capabilities, email you letter to me and I will fax it off to Ottawa myself. We need to target the Prime Minister and Don Boudria. Further info. is on the web site.

PLEASE got to (which was put up in an incredible rush) and gather the contact info and latest updates from there.) If there are any bad links or weird inclusions, please let me know... I was *completely* rushed to get that up ASAP so that people could act..
Anne Gibson
Toronto Coalition For Bill C-15 Anti-Cruelty Legislation
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world.
In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead 1907-1978
