Animal Advocates Watchdog

Re: The price of the hubcap dogs in Kelowna SPCA

This story was also reported on the front page of today's Kelowna Daily Courier under the heading "PAY UP, OR DOGS MAY DIE". "SPCA tells owner of seized dogs he must contribute to cost of their feeding, otherwise they will be adopted out or killed".

According to the article the SPCA has demanded the Beaverdell breeder, Gaston LaPointe, pay a deposit of 10 to 20 percent of the $60,000 cost of feeding and sheltering the 53 dogs seized last July. If he doesn't pay by October 9th the SPCA legally becomes owner of the dogs and can either adopt them out or kill them. The assistant manager of the Kelowna SPCA is quoted in the article as saying they want to place as many as possible in homes but she feels a few will be euthanized because they don't adapt.

The article also states that Crown prosecutors have laid three charges against the breeder.

The article doesn't mention what would happen if he comes up with the money. Can LaPointe then take possession of the dogs again to do whatever he wants? Does anyone know what the law is in this situation? If the SPCA is acting in the best interests of the dogs (as they should be), then why does it come down to a question of money?

(read more in this thread:>)
