Animal Advocates Watchdog

What does Mr Daniell mean by 'so-called “no-kill” facilities'?

Secondly, what does Mr Daniell mean by 'so-called “no-kill” facilities'?

Why "so-called"? The implication is that 'facilities' calling themselves no-kill aren't really no-kill. What does Mr Daniell mean by 'facilities'? The word encompasses both pounds and animal shelters. The SPCA itself has pounds. So is Mr Daniell taking a jab at other pounds that have reimaged themselves as no-kill shelters? But 'facilities' also can also mean real animal shelters, some of which stated clearly in posts below what their criteria for euthanasia are, and that their only method of euthanasia is humane injection. (What methods, by the way, are on the SPCA's approved methods of destruction of animals, another list we haven't been able to find on the SPCA's website?)

Messages In This Thread

"When the SPCA must euthanize an animal, it is for the same reason so-called "no-kill" facilities euthanize animals" *LINK*
What is the SPCA's definition of "beyond medical help"?
What does Mr Daniell mean by 'so-called “no-kill” facilities'?
According to information we continue to receive...
Here is a list of real no-kill facilities in BC
Questions about salaries and litigation
Letters to the Sun *LINK*
For once I must take the side of C. Daniell
Parksville SPCA high kill stats don't support Mr. Daniell's statements *LINK*
