Animal Advocates Watchdog

Action requires effort.... *LINK*

Many of us have read about strategic plans, the promised apprehension of dogs for psychological abuse and SPCA accountability, yet we have not witnessed nor been exposed to the methods that are being taken to implement these statements and demonstrate that ACTION is forthcoming.

Action on behalf of our abused, chained and neglected reserve dogs that manage to survive in remote northern communities is a fallacy. The SPCA recently was awarded a large grant to study the need for a mobile spay and neuter initiative for these communities and without doubt the findings will show that of course ACTION must be taken and implementing a spay/neuter, education and vaccination program would make a strong impact and save hundreds if not thousands of lives!

If the SPCA needs assistance to take ACTION for reserve dogs, then a simple phone call or a basic search of the internet would lead this organization to all the information they could wish to absorb.

Perhaps a start with the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) would provide insight for the SPCA and with a quick glance they would see this statement by WSPA's Rob Laidlaw, "Lacking access to humane societies, animal shelters, even basic veterinary services, dog shooting is sadly the only option they have to address the problem of stray and feral animals. WSPA is trying to establish a model humane programme for stray dog control that can be exported to jurisdictions throughout northern Canada.”

Action, yes this is what all animals in BC need from the SPCA, no longer can words be as meaningless as their promises.

Messages In This Thread

Addressing the Link Between Family Violence and Animal Cruelty
An excellent start SPCA: The only part missing is the ACTION step
Action requires effort.... *LINK*
In my jaded opinion, it would have given the SPCA more credibility if ...
I saw Eileen Drever last night on TV showing a dog and a cat
My letter to the Courier re the BC SPCA's latest p.r. "Addressing the Link Between Family Violence and Animal Cruelty "
If the BC SPCA is going to advertise its concern perhaps it should consider how it looks when it shows absolutely none
Letter from Veterinarian, Dr Ellen Guttormson
