Animal Advocates Watchdog

There's very little prevention of abuse and cruelty to any of the weaker

There's really no need to answer Diane because she has already put her finger on all the reasons why there is so little prevention of cruelty to animals in Canada.

There's very little prevention of cruelty to children too. Very little prevention of cruelty to the elderly and the addicted and the homeless and to all the weak and vulnerable. Child pornography is so vile that many people can't even bear to really think about it.

But we all must look hard and clearly at anything or anyone who causes or permits suffering or abuse to all weaker creatures - even if it's hard to see through one's tears. My hat is off to everyone who looks and then says, I am going to take some action to stop this evil.

Life is short - make it worthwhile. Take a look at what is wrong and stand up and add your voice to those of other brave people.

Money speaks; it is a voice too. Make a donation to Teja's Animal Refuge, either to its work or to its legal bills. You'll feel you're a better person, and you will be too!

Messages In This Thread

Teja's Animal Refuge to Sue Quebec Government and Anima Quebec for permitting puppymills *LINK*
Teja's Animal Refuge: This is what a livestock rescue facility should look like *LINK* *PIC*
AAS will be making a donation to Teja's Animal Refuge... *LINK*
Read the Statement of Claim *LINK*
Why must we continuously do battle against those who refuse to act appropriately against brutality?
There's very little prevention of abuse and cruelty to any of the weaker
What a precedent-setting case this could be, and what a boost to animal welfare activists
Teja's Animal Refuge
