Animal Advocates Watchdog

Shame on people like Luke and the KFN for making blood money off animals whose heads...
In Response To: Kluane First Nation ()

It is actually the Kluane GAME PRESERVE (so much for the 'preservation of game' aspect). It is despicable that the Kluane First Nation goes begging to a bunch of bloodthirsty rich hunters to let the highest bidder kill a 'trophy animal' in their 'traditional territory.' Also it would be interesting to know Luke's full name. Shame on people like Luke and the KFN for making blood money off animals whose heads will decorate the trophy rooms of a bunch of animal exploiters with big wallets and a lust to kill.

Messages In This Thread

More Yukon Quest media cheerleading *LINK*
Canada's Yukon: 'A cruel place for animals'
Kluane First Nation
Shame on people like Luke and the KFN for making blood money off animals whose heads...
As Vikings, the particular people from whom I descend, the pillaging and raping of other peoples was an activity...
Mr. Faires, your post is the first I have ever seen that makes sense
Kluane First Nation has the right to hunt and trap within Kluane National Park
I am finding it hard to reconcile subsistence hunting based on ancestry and tradition with the modern practice of big game outfitting
Next Kluane sheep hunt will be taking place in Kluane National Park
