Animal Advocates Watchdog

Oh that tiresome Terry Cumming - the man simply DOES NOT understand fashion! *LINK* *PIC*

Too too tiresome! My dears, DON'T look at that man's nasty website. All kinds of photos of dogs without any fashion sense at all!

I ask you, what kind of a mother would let their child go around looking like death when there are so many delicious fashion stores for wee fashionistas!

Messages In This Thread

Georgia Straight article promoting Yukon Quest *LINK*
Darling Straight... too too delicious *PIC*
Could that be ermine trim I espy on the darling little booties?
Re: Darling Straight... too too delicious
2008 Quest dogs suffer from frostbitten penises, one dog had a frostbitten scrotum *LINK*
Yukon News - 'The world's toughest sled dog race lives up to slogan'
Oh that tiresome Terry Cumming - the man simply DOES NOT understand fashion! *LINK* *PIC*
Humour is one of the most powerful engines of change
Fur codpieces and beard-wigs for mushers
Nothing is funnier than the truth...
Beaver's teeth in codpice?
My post on the Straight's site: Please do not allow such ridiculous garbage ...
Yukon Quest cheerleaders CBC Yukon receiving unwelcome email? *LINK*
