Animal Advocates Watchdog

Re: Darling Straight... too too delicious

Terry and Judy. Judy and Terry! Be nice, will ya!
I mean the 'Georgia Straight' is just helping to "exploit" dogs. So-called sled dogs. I don't see anything wrong with human-smart-beings amusing themselves "using" and "abusing" dogs (or any other non-human animal for that matter). After all we are in charge of "their" lives. Aren't we?

And we are doing a wonderful job. Aren't we? So we murder a few here and there, so what! They are expendable. Aren't they?

Well, now that I've shared my happiness with you all regarding the exploitation of (in this case) dogs, by the 'Georgia Straight' paper trash. I will now go and tell everyone I can possibly tell on how the Yukon (wonderful) Quest is making "use" of so many dogs.

Many thanks to the hard working people at the Georgia Straight who helped exploit dogs for the Yukon Quest, you are truly wonderful! WOW!
And for the rest of you! Get a clue! Dogs love to run! And humans love to take advantage of their ability to run. What's wrong with that?

So be nice,and try mushing dogs some time. You will love it. And who knows, you might get a chance to kill a few. Or at the very least, injure a few. After all they are only dogs. Aren't they?

I sure wish I become a Quest dog in my next life. Such special/unique treatment.

MUSH-ON! Doggies! Or else, no treats for you.

Me, the 'Bleeding Heart';)

Messages In This Thread

Georgia Straight article promoting Yukon Quest *LINK*
Darling Straight... too too delicious *PIC*
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Re: Darling Straight... too too delicious
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Oh that tiresome Terry Cumming - the man simply DOES NOT understand fashion! *LINK* *PIC*
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