Animal Advocates Watchdog

Let's get our terms clear - this was NOT "euthanasia"

"The most horrific part of the warrant was having to euthanize every single one of the roosters on the property," said Eccles.

Let's get our terms perfectly clear here. This is not euthanasia. Euthanasia is "the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease" according to the Oxford Dictionary.

This was killing or slaughtering. Wringing necks of so many healthy birds is not a job that a Society for the PREVENTION of Cruelty to Animals should be engaged in.

Messages In This Thread

Cock-fighting: Torturing animals makes mockery of humanity's claim to superiority
Ten years ago the "logic" of the SPCA killing the roosters escaped Don Cherry too
Someone who "gets it" : The enforcing authority, the SPCA, exists to save animals, not destroy them
BC SPCA spokeswoman Lorie Chortyk: "What we do is save animals' lives..."
Let's get our terms clear - this was NOT "euthanasia"
The criminal code of Canada does not say the SPCA has to personally kill the cocks
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Unfair to judge Fillipinos
Re: Unfair to judge Fillipinos
Since I have done none of the above
Work together...
