Animal Advocates Watchdog won't be eating delicious reindeer?

I often find it nauseating to watch or listen to CBC, because they are pandering to the lowest common denominator/audience. In Whitehorse, CBC radio people put their feet in their mouths on practically a daily basis. Mike and I have done several letters over the years slamming the local CBC announcers.

Just one example about CBC foot in mouth disease, Mike Grieco was listening to the lunch hour show this week about a delegation of Yukon artists who are going to Siberia (to an area with reindeer). Apparently, the announcer asked if the artists were looking forward to EATING some reindeer. One of the artists said he was vegan, so would not be eating reindeer meat. The female host's response was "but they're so delicious!"

Messages In This Thread

CBC radio's "Sounds Like Canada" promotes carnivore chic - Please write the CBC won't be eating delicious reindeer?
Who to write at the CBC
Letter to CBC North: Life-time CBC listener wouldn't listen to CBC North
Does a humane education program, specifically geared for media, exist?
