Animal Advocates Watchdog

Who to write to

BC Government Promoting More Hunting

Please voice your opposition to this violent plan to:
1. BC Environment Minister - Barry Penner
2. BC Premier Gordon Campbell -
3. Opposition Leader Carole James -

Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder

Messages In This Thread

Women, kids sought as new hunters - write the Province Newspaper
Who to write to
Will we ever evolve out of the stage of "Savage"?!?
Enjoyment & relaxation if you are on the *right* side of the gun that is
We savages have yet to realise that this is NOT our planet alone
Super Blasterful BC! *NM* *PIC*
If the government decides to impede our progress, we may as well just regress all the way back to carrying clubs
I have seen things during hunting season that would make grown men cry
The high of making a clean shot
Hunting -- an immoral and moronic activity that should be snuffed out itself
We won't find peace ourselves until we stop harming others
These are the key words: pleasure and fun
Nature lovers who like to shoot as much of nature as their ammo budget allows
