Animal Advocates Watchdog

These are the key words: pleasure and fun

Proponents of hunting often use the arguments that “We eat what we kill, so therefore it is OK to kill animals for fun,” or “Unless you are a vegan, you cannot argue against hunting, because you eat animal products.”

These statements have quite a lot of power in putting off people who are appalled that in the 21st century, people are still actually taking pleasure out of killing animals. And they are astounded that our government is actively promoting this cruel pastime as fun for the whole family.

But these are the key words: pleasure and fun.

What can possibly be fun or pleasurable about killing a beautiful animal? Getting out in the wilderness and experiencing nature, on the other hand, is a great activity and good for the health, too. So wouldn’t it be great if all pleasure hunters suddenly put their guns down, bought a camera, and got their trophies by taking the animals’ pictures, instead of taking their gratification at the expense of an animal’s life (and very possibly subjecting its cubs to an agonizing death by starvation, having lost their mother?) That way, the newly enlightened hunters wouldn’t upset the balance of nature by killing the healthy and strong instead of the old, weak or sick, and they could still get their kicks by shooting something.

We can always dream.

Messages In This Thread

Women, kids sought as new hunters - write the Province Newspaper
Who to write to
Will we ever evolve out of the stage of "Savage"?!?
Enjoyment & relaxation if you are on the *right* side of the gun that is
We savages have yet to realise that this is NOT our planet alone
Super Blasterful BC! *NM* *PIC*
If the government decides to impede our progress, we may as well just regress all the way back to carrying clubs
I have seen things during hunting season that would make grown men cry
The high of making a clean shot
Hunting -- an immoral and moronic activity that should be snuffed out itself
We won't find peace ourselves until we stop harming others
These are the key words: pleasure and fun
Nature lovers who like to shoot as much of nature as their ammo budget allows
