Animal Advocates Watchdog

The high of making a clean shot

Your Vancouver Province

Hunters are preserving a valuable way of life
Published: Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm sure the government's move to encourage hunting will bring out all the anti-hunters with stories of armed rednecks on all-out killing sprees.

Having hunted for more than 35 years, I feel sorry for them.

Humans are a hunting species. And for those who have never experienced their primeval roots and felt satisfaction of providing for themselves, they are truly missing a part of life.

Some say hunting is never about the killing, and I would say to a great degree that is true. But if you are never seeking game, you might just as well be hiking.

Hunting tests you mentally, physically and emotionally.

The high of making a clean shot and the low of missing or, worse, losing a bird or animal are part of the greater experience we used to live with before the advent of grocery stores and freezers.

Having watched the decline of interest in hunting for the last decades, I applaud the government. Perhaps if our new generation got away from videos and televisions, they would see the world in a different light.

We hunters are always subjected to cheap shots and scare tactics, but have managed to preserve something that for us is not just a way of life, but a part of life.

Michael Roman,


Messages In This Thread

Women, kids sought as new hunters - write the Province Newspaper
Who to write to
Will we ever evolve out of the stage of "Savage"?!?
Enjoyment & relaxation if you are on the *right* side of the gun that is
We savages have yet to realise that this is NOT our planet alone
Super Blasterful BC! *NM* *PIC*
If the government decides to impede our progress, we may as well just regress all the way back to carrying clubs
I have seen things during hunting season that would make grown men cry
The high of making a clean shot
Hunting -- an immoral and moronic activity that should be snuffed out itself
We won't find peace ourselves until we stop harming others
These are the key words: pleasure and fun
Nature lovers who like to shoot as much of nature as their ammo budget allows
