Animal Advocates Watchdog

Dragging dogs -- dragging calves -- it's all cruel

Your Calgary Herald
It's all cruel
Calgary Herald
Published: Saturday, July 14, 2007

Animals - Just recently, many Calgarians reacted in shock and horror to the torture of the Didsbury dog, Daisy Duke, and subsequent trial. Many even signed a petition calling for stiffer penalties for animal abusers.

Now, all that seems to have been brushed aside or forgotten as many of the same people make their annual pilgrimage to the Stampede where they thrill to the rodeo and chuckwagon races. How is it possible to condemn one form of cruelty, yet sanction another?

It seems there are varying degrees of cruelty. Calf roping has entertainment value, whereas a dog bound, tied and dragged behind a motor vehicle is not entertaining but sickening and deserving of criminal prosecution.

To all of you who signed the petition, yet find yourselves down at the Stampede grounds cheering on your cowboy heroes, time to go home and do a behaviour check. Thomas Edison said: "Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." Hopefully, somewhere in this city, a light bulb will go on.

Barbara Mattin, Calgary

Messages In This Thread

Dragging dogs -- dragging calves -- it's all cruel
CBC Radio Loves the Stampede, CBC Corp is soft on animal cruelty *LINK*
First horse deaths already
Write the CBC -- though CBC does not take criticism very well
Calgary animal abuse slide show (chuckwagon event) *NM* *LINK*
Why does the CBC promote and glorify so much animal cruelty?
THIRD horse dies at 2007 Stampede *LINK*
Calgary Animal Rights Coalition statement on the Calgary Stampede *LINK*
Contact the Calgary Stampede to express your 'displeasure' *LINK*
No worries - the stampede works closely with the SPCA and the Calgary Humane Society
If the Calgary Stampede is an example of prevention of cruelty to animals...
I hope I read a clear and unambiguous condemnation of animal sports and this rodeo in particular by both societies
Re: No worries - the stampede works closely with the SPCA and the Calgary Humane Society
New 'Rodeo page' *LINK*
An animal rights group is objecting to chuckwagon races at Capital Ex
