Animal Advocates Watchdog

BCVMA launches inquiry into conduct of Langley Veterinarian

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Inquiry into Conduct of Langley Veterinarian
BCVMA Press Release


December 18, 2008: The British Columbia Veterinary Medical Association (BCVMA) has been made aware of allegations of animal abuse involving six horses and possible charges under the Criminal Code of Canada and the BC Protection of Cruelty to Animals Act, against two veterinarians in Langley.

The BCVMA is the licensing body for veterinarians in British Columbia and makes the health and safety of animals its priority by ensuring that veterinarians meet the requirements for competent standards of care and conduct.

As a result of the allegations, the BCVMA has initiated an inquiry hearing under the Veterinarians Act against Carol Schoyen. The outcome of the inquiry will be made public.

The BCVMA cannot order an inquiry against the other veterinarian, Mark Marohn, as his registration under the Act is currently suspended.

As the BCVMA undertakes its inquiry, it is important to emphasize that every veterinarian facing charges under the Veterinarians Act is entitled to a fair hearing. In addition, the Veterinarians Act does not give the BCVMA the power to impose an interim suspension pending the outcome of the hearing process. However, a suspension is one possible outcome after a hearing has concluded.

Media contact: Valerie Osborne, Registrar

Messages In This Thread

Horses Starving in British Columbia Owned by Veterinarians - December, 2008 *LINK*
SPCA was in the process of getting a warrant before it was called to the scene
One question is how long did the SPCA let those horses suffer?
Time and time again we hear tragic stories like this one
If these people were under investigation, why then did it take so long for the SPCA to act?
BCVMA launches inquiry into conduct of Langley Veterinarian
Petition to Strip The Licenses of the Two Veterinarians
Re: Horses Starving in British Columbia Owned by Veterinarians - December, 2008 *LINK*
