Animal Advocates Watchdog

Magazine admits that Gault and Houle are married

October's issue of Senior's Living prints a clarification notice on page 15 in a small blue box:

Clarification Notice: In "Plan for Pets" (May 2005), the
writer, Diana Gault, is the wife of BCSPCA Senior Planned
Giving Officer, John Houle.

Five months later this magazine is forced by some determined Victoria residents to admit that the article was a fraud. When confronted with this, will the SPCA have the gall to argue that Mr Houle did not know his wife wrote lies in a magazine targeting elderly, wealthy, animal-loving readers?

Messages In This Thread

The article: Plan for Pets: Senior's Living, by Diana Gault
This is fraud on two counts: the article is fraudulent and the Plan is fraudulent *LINK*
If you pay for the Pet Survivor Program, is your dog exempt from the SPCA's DTA4 testing?
SPCA record keeping would certainly need to improve.
The fostering program is another fraud
Diane Young: BC SPCA "Pet Survivor Program" money maker. What a crock!
Suddenly, they wanted to speak with me!!
Dr Ellen Guttormson: This is one program that I find very offensive
It seems ethics no longer enters into it
Crystal Kerr: Death of an abandoned cat in the SPCA system
Heather Pettit: "All animals are equal; but some animals are more equal than others."
CONNING THE OLD LADIES IN VICTORIA PART 1: BC SPCA Donor Outreach Program: It's all about those old lady's bequests *LINK*
Silver and Gold Plans examined
Contact Mr Houle or his boss Simon Trevelyan
The level of care that they promise if you leave them the cash is only what should be provided without cost as part of their mandate
Magazine admits that Gault and Houle are married
