Animal Advocates Watchdog

AAS Director Helen Hughes replies: Helen is being sued by the BC SPCA *LINK*

Dear Sandy,

I can understand your feelings about spending time and money on old dogs that will not live long anyway, instead of putting that same energy into helping sick or hungry children, or lonely old people, or battered women... the list goes on. I have another slant, however, on what caring for animals does for the dignity of mankind.

I have been a teacher for 43 years, and have worked very closely with distressed children and unhappy adults, as well as people who are constructive and satisfied in their lives. I have noticed a few patterns. Children who are concerned for the welfare of animals are almost always considerate, kind, and giving people. Children who think that animals are a lesser species, and can be treated with indifference or even cruelty, are often hurtful to their peers and inconsiderate to others. A rough rule of thumb is that a child's emotional health can be fairly accurately judged by their consideration of those who cannot advocate for themselves.

There is, as you have pointed out, a great deal to be done in world in the way of helping others. We all have different ways that we can help. I work with children and families. Others work on the political end, trying to eradicate poverty and suffering. Still others work in medicine, social work, and even art, which has many ways of upholding the dignity of mankind. In my mind, any effort that goes toward goodness, is good for us all. I could not do the work that Animal Advocates does, because I am so sickened by the abuse that some people subject their animals to. Instead, I support them financially. Sitting back and letting helpless animals live and die in physical and emotional agony brought on by human beings is what demeans the dignity of mankind.

Some poor animal who has had no life but one of misery, is given a few years of love and relative comfort by the Animal Advocates. Seeing ourselves as loving and thoughtful stewards of the world does far more for our sense of dignity than seeing ourselves as special and not responsible for the suffering and destruction we create.

I wish that we would all put our positive efforts into the areas that we are most drawn to, and that we would all appreciate and support each other.

H. Hughes
Director, Animal Advocates Society

Messages In This Thread

AAS Director Helen Hughes replies: Helen is being sued by the BC SPCA *LINK*
"The practice of kindness toward helpless creatures is a sign of development to the higher reaches of intelligence and sympathy"
I suggest she rescue an old blind dog and take it to visit all the sick kids at Children's hospital
An angry hypocrite never did anything to improve the world
Most people , who are doing great work for animals in need, are also strong supporters of humanitarian causes ... and vice versa
All beings are sentient. All beings suffer. All beings "feel" that suffering
Barry Faires is being sued by the BC SPCA *NM* *LINK*
Here is a saying that Sandy should put on her fridge...
My precious Pepper became blind only four months after I rescued her from death row at the Ottawa SPCA
