Animal Advocates Watchdog

Blaming their business partner

Richmond SPCA Manager, Kim Marosevich shifts the blame for SPCA policy onto Petcetera when she says, "It's really unfortunate that no one at Petcetera documented that there was an interested party."

Petcetera has been a good business partner of the BC SPCA's for many years so it is surprising to see the SPCA blaming it.

This incident reveals what too few people know - that the SPCA kills animals for being "unsold". Thanks to Dalton Grady, the citizens of Richmond have been informed.

AAS's decades of documentation on the SPCA shows that the SPCA only changes anti-animal welfare policies when the bald truth is plainly told and the P.R. gets bad enough.

Case in point: When the brouhaha over the Prince Rupert SPCA's crab boil for bucks was still under the radar of the major media, the SPCA justified it on the grounds that crabs don't feel pain and that it is up to the branches to decide how they fundraise. It was only when Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Society got involved, which attracted the Sun and the Province, was the crab boil cancelled.

Messages In This Thread

Richmond News: SPCA kills cat that had a possible adoption *LINK*
Blaming their business partner
Rotate? Shelter?
Nicholas Read, of the Vancouver Sun, wrote in 1997 that the SPCA is wrong to associate with Petcetera
