Animal Advocates Watchdog

PETA: Animal cruelty perpetuated

PETA: Animal cruelty perpetuated

Dear Editor,

I read the graphic stories of cruelty to a small dog on 192nd St. and the peacock [Dog killers acted callously and Low-lifes kill peacock, Nov. 3 Letters, Langley Advance] with utter horror. The people who perpetrated these acts are lacking any milk of human kindness and have descended into the realm of the incorrigible.

Hold on, however.

Many of us are party to acts of depravity like this without realizing the fact. All one has to do is read the information sent by PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It informs us that, when we buy some meat and bird products, we are placing our stamp of approval on acts of cruelty rivaling those in your letters.

Mike Harvey, Langley

published on 11/07/2006

Messages In This Thread

Langley - Low-lifes kill peacock
PETA: Animal cruelty perpetuated
It's easy to turn a blind eye when they facts aren't in your face
