Animal Advocates Watchdog

There is something profoundly wrong with this in many ways

1. Killing treatable animals is not animal welfare as the SPCA heavily promotes itself as doing - it is unwanted-pet control.

2. Killing treatable animals is killing for space. In 2002, after some crushing public revelations of mass killing of nice dogs, the SPCA promised, to huge P.R. fanfare, that it would not do that anymore. Consequently, many trusting people honestly believe that the SPCA is "no-kill"; that it literally does not kill any animals, sick or not.

3. The SPCA is still killing cats in very large numbers, in some places, on a weekly schedule. Every cat goes to the vet to be killed with a label saying that it is "unadoptable" - either because it has a cold, or some other medical condition that is treatable or non-existent, or is unfriendly, or is feral (when all it was was excessively timid and needed some cuddling). After promising not to kill for space, the SPCA announced it would only kill "unadoptable" animals, but "unadoptable" is anything the SPCA says it is.

4. The SPCA has revenues of almost $20 million a year - rescuers often have revenues of less than $50,000.

5. The SPCA saves a lot of money when it kills animals instead of treating them. Cats in pound facilities such as the SPCA's frequently get Upper Respiratory colds, but real animal welfarists treat the condition, not kill the cats.

6. Dogs with behaviour problems are rehabilitated by real animal welfarists even though sometimes it costs many thousands of dollars. Having any "issues", even mild ones such as fear or timidity, are reasons given by the SPCA to kill a dog.

Messages In This Thread

Please take my pet or I'll have to take it to the SPCA!
Everyone in rescue hears this daily
There is something profoundly wrong with this in many ways
New groups do real animal welfare while the SPCA gets the money
When all that's left is an empty slogan
