Animal Advocates Watchdog

When all that's left is an empty slogan

The declining reputation of the SPCA, as perceived by the public, can be attributed to a number of factors, among them the killing of unwanted pets. For decades this agency appeared to be operating from the premise that the over-population tragedy could be taken care of by disposing of the sick and the homeless. However, times have changed, and it's not as easy as it once was to abrogate the inherent duty of “speaking for those who cannot."

On account of their species, dogs are generally favoured while cats, rabbits and other small critters don't fare as well. Unjust as this is, each one of us must nevertheless persevere in being a voice for all the victims that have been cast off, a purpose the SPCA ought to be fulfilling. If all that's left is an empty slogan and the SPCA is thought of as a place of last resort, the time will come when it's bound to fall.

Messages In This Thread

Please take my pet or I'll have to take it to the SPCA!
Everyone in rescue hears this daily
There is something profoundly wrong with this in many ways
New groups do real animal welfare while the SPCA gets the money
When all that's left is an empty slogan
